Danish Cadastre Office

The Danish Cadastre

The Danish cadastre is the basis for all land registration in Denmark. Consisting of a country-wide cadastral map, an official register and a cadastral archive, this resource plays a central role in the public management and administration of land ownership.

Updates to Denmark’s cadastre are carried out with the use of two digital tools- MIA and miniMAKS. Chartered surveyors have traditionally carried out the field work related to land registration and, through MIA, have submitted cases to the Danish Geodata Agency. The miniMAKS system presents the data prepared by the chartered surveyors and enables the employees of the Danish Geodata Agency to verify that the relevant approvals are obtained before accepting the proposed changes to the cadastre.


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Contract Cadastre Office

Please direct any questions, input, comments or the like to the Danish Cadastre Office on: +45 7254 5000 or eju@gst.dk