The Danish Geodata Agency is entering into an agreement with Eniro for digital display of Danish chart data


The Danish Geodata Agency and Swedish Eniro signed an agreement today on displaying Danish chart data. Specifically, this means that Eniro has acquired the right to exhibit Danish data in their digital chart solution for the benefit of yachtsmen and others who use the sea. The solution will be free for the users.

(photo: Colourbox)


In future, Eniro can display Danish chart data digitally and thereby expand their on-line chart solution to also include the waters around Denmark. Thus, yachtsmen will have free access to familiarize themselves with the waters around Denmark in the same way as for Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish waters.

- We are pleased about the agreement with Eniro and we look forward to our chart data being made digitally accessible to everyone prior to the 2019 sailing season, says Pia Dahl Højgaard, director of the Danish Geodata Agency.
- This agreement means that yachtsmen, in particular, will now have an on-line tool that they can use free of charge to easily inform themselves about the Danish waters prior to their voyage. We know that this has been a long-awaited resource among sailors.

New licence agreements

Earlier this year, the Danish Geodata Agency changed the licence terms for commercial use of chart data, and so far, eight companies have entered into the new agreement with the agency. Eniro has entered into a supplementary agreement to the new licence agreement, which allows them to display Danish chart data for the end-users free of charge.

Ready for the 2019 season

The chart solution will be available for the 2019 sailing season and will be included in Eniro's existing solution, which already covers the other Scandinavian waters. The chart solution may not be used for navigation, but should be regarded as an aid in relation to planning and general orientation at sea.


Fact box

  • Eniro is the eighth company to enter into a new licence agreement with the Danish Geodata Agency for the use of chart data, and the first to enter into the supplementary agreement, which allows them to display Danish data in digital chart solutions for PC and mobile devices.
  • Under the new licence agreement, companies will receive updates from the Danish Geodata Agency every 14 days.
  • Eniro expects that their digital chart solution will include Danish waters before the 2019 sailing season.