The Cadastral Map

The cadastral map is a key component of the national cadastre. It illustrates all property boundaries and ownership data from across Denmark. It also provides information about protected forests, coastal erostion areas and cliff protection.

The cadastral map is a digital legal document. It is intended to present the cadastral register in visual form, such that individual parcels can be identified along with their attribute data (cadastral number, road access, etc.). The cadastral map is also used to determine precisely where property boundaries exist in the landscape, especially when 'actual' boundaries do not match the official 'paper' property boundaries exactly.

Today’s cadastral map is based on historical, hand-drawn property maps that have been digitised and georeferenced. In-field surveys and measurements have improved the precision of the digital cadastral map. However, since the existing map is based on anlogue maps, the accuracy of the cadastral map varies from a few centimetres in some urban areas to several metres in some rural areas. Therefore, the digital cadastral may not totally compare to a digital topographic map.

The cadastral map is updated daily, as new property registrations, boundary changes and field surveys are submitted to the Danish Geodata Agency for approval.




The Danish Cadastre Office