Denmark's Depth Model (2024)

Denmark’s Depth Model (DDM) is a depth-averaged digital bathymetric model, covering Denmark’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The model has a grid resolution of 50 meters and is based on a collection of hydrographic survey datasets and other sources.

Model creation
The model was created using a regularly-shaped grid with the resolution of 50 meters. the horizontal datum of the model is a Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) projection on the ETRS89 ellipsoide (EPSG:3034). The vertical datum is Mean Sea Level (MSL) as defined by the Danish Agency for Climate Data's DKSML(2022) (ESPG:10547). The extent of the model is constrained between the Danish EEZ and the coastline, generalized at 1:100.000 scale. 

The selection of the depths is based on a priority mechanism so that data from modern datasets are preferred to historical sources (e.g., multibeam survey vs. leadline). Then, the representative average depth is obtained by averaging all depths allocated from the selected input source to a given grid cell. When there is a lack of available bathymetric data, a depth estimate is provided using interpolation. As such, the model depths are estimated using an averaging and interpolating approach, thus not targeted for safety of navigation. The original bathymetric datasets themselves are not distributed with the model, but described in the auxiliary layers to provide information about the bathymetric sources used for DDM.

Model Distribution
The model is distributed with three layers and a readme document

  • ddm_50m.dybde - The primary lauer containing the depth values (in meters)
  • ddm_50m.kilde - An auxiliary layer providing the source of the depth data for each grid cell
  • ddm_50m.aar - An auxiliary layer providing the year at which the data collection has ended
  • ddm_50m.readme - A description of the model

The downloading services are available on the Danish Geodata Agency website.
The layers are distributed as GeoTIFF files, projected in Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) / ETRS89 (EPSG:3034). The DDM is also made available by means of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web services (i.e., WMS).

For terms and conditions on how to use the model, please read the document:
Terms and conditions for the use of marine data contained in Denmark's Depth Model 50 m resolution.pdf

For a list of data contributors, please see the document:Data contributors to Denmark's Depth Model, 50 m resolution

The model may not be used for navigation or navigational purposes. For navigation, please refer to the official nautical charts, chart corrections and nautical publications published by the Danish Geodata Agency.


Danish Geodata Agency
AreaDanish Hydrographic Office


The Depth Model must not be used for navigation. Using the depths for navigation would be dangerous. For navigation purposes, please refer to the official charts, chart corrections and nautical publications produced by the Danish Geodata Agency