Chartered Surveyors

The Danish Geodata Agency is the competent authority for the profession of chartered land surveyors in Denmark, administering the rules regulating the profession and overseeing the practising chartered surveyors’ adherence to these rules.

Licence as a chartered land surveyor
The Danish Geodata Agency decides whether to grant applicants licences as chartered land surveyors, cf. the rules in the Chartered Surveyors Act, and/or the EU rules of recognition of professional qualifications.

In as far as the Danish educational system is concerned, only the Candidatus geometriae (Cand. geom.) – Master of Science (MSc) in Surveying, Planning and Land Management can lead to a license as a chartered land surveyor in Denmark, in combination with at least three years of professional experience in the employment of a practicing land surveyor, doing cadastral work. The only university where this degree is being offered is Aalborg University. You can find more information regarding the curriculum etc. on their website:

A form which can be used for applications for licence as a chartered land surveyor is available here:Land Surveyor - Application for authorisation.pdf

Temporary and occasional provision of cadastral services
Land surveyors established in another EU/EEA country are allowed to perform cadastral work in Denmark, under the EU rules laid down in the directives on recognition of professional qualifications and/or the directive on services in the internal market. Before any work commences, the party must make a declaration to the Danish Geodata Agency, cf. section 4, subsection 2-3 of the Chartered Surveyors Act, and section 8 of the statutory order on the licensing of chartered surveyors etc. In addition to notification to the Danish Geodata Agency, foreign service providers must also register with the Danish Business Authority’s Register for Foreign Service Providers (RUT):

Applications for licences for chartered surveyors and declarations in connection with provision of cadastral services can be sent to:
The Danish Geodata Agency
Lindholm Brygge 31
9400 Nørrsundby

or via the Danish point of single contact:

Unofficial English translations of the relevant rules are available here: 
Statutory order concerning the Chartered Surveyors Act (lovbkg nr 680 af 17 June 2013).pdf
 Statutory order on the licensing of chartered surveyors et al (bkg nr 703 af 17 June 2013).pdf

The Danish Association of Chartered Surveyors's website  

Code of Conduct - Professional Recognition.pdf