Harbours, pilots and navigators, especially in the cruise ship industry, have long been requesting an English version of the Greenland Harbour Pilot. Now it has arrived. Almost.
Information about 34 harbours has been translated into English
The Greenland Harbour Pilot contains information about 99 harbours in Greenland, and so far, 34 of these have been translated into English. The prioritisation of which harbours were to be translated first was decided in collaboration with the Government of Greenland, the harbours, cruise ship industry and the pilots who sail in the Greenland waters on a daily basis.
- At the most recent Maritime Dialogue Meeting, the Danish Geodata Agency agreed with the Government of Greenland to translate the Greenland Harbour Pilot into English. I am therefore pleased that we have reached a stage of the project where we can deliver on this promise, to the great benefit of all those who sail in the Greenland waters, says head of the Danish Hydrographic Office - Arctic, Rune Carbuhn Andersen.
Important tool
The online service is an important tool for navigation planning and it contains information about harbour authorities, harbour plans, sailing conditions, available resources, etc. In theory, every seafarer is obliged to report errors and shortcomings that could endanger maritime traffic, but in practice it is usually the harbour authorities, shipping companies, pilots and navigators who report everything, from telephone numbers to surveys and new harbour facilities. Information from the Danish Maritime Authority’s Notices to mariners is also included regularly in the updates, such as information about wrecks in harbours.
Compile your own harbour pilot
A new feature is that you can now compile your "own harbour pilot". The new feature is primarily intended for users who do not have access to the internet after leaving harbour. On My Harbour Pilot, you can compile your own harbour pilot for offline use, containing information about precisely the towns, settlements and stations you plan to call at or pass while sailing.
You can find the Greenland Harbour Pilot here:
Fact box
- So far, information on 34 harbours out of 99 has been translated into English. Information on the remaining 65 harbours is expected to be finally translated in early 2020.
- Prioritisation of which harbours were to be translated first was decided in collaboration with the Government of Greenland, the harbours, cruise ship industry and the pilots in Greenland.
- The pilot is maintained by the Danish Geodata Agency, which updates the online service every Friday at 08:00 West Greenland Time, or 12:00 Danish time.