
The Danish Geodata Agency employs approximately 140 employees in three professional offices and a Director-General.

Two main areas

Together, the Danish Geodata Agency's four departments manage and provide geographical information to a range of customers from Denmark, the EU and abroad. The authority's two main areas of geographical work are:

  • Nautical Charts 
    The Danish Geodata Agency has a nationally-approved monopoly over the production of nautical charts of Danish, Greenlandic and Faroese waters. Our nautical charts are developed to meet international standards and agreements. 
    Our international work has included the establishment of Primar Stavanger in conjunction with many other European countries. This regional center in Norway coordinates and distributes electronic navigational charts. 

  • The Cadastre 
    Denmark's cadastre is the basis for all land and property registration in the country. The Danish Geodata Agency is the official authority for cadastral registrations, but the actual cadastral work is performed exclusively by licensed surveyors in private practice. 
    Private or public customers commission licensed surveyors to administer subdivisions or other cadastral changes. These surveyors perform the necessary field marking and surveying and obtain necessary approvals in accordance with planning and land use regulations. The surveyors then submit their 'cases' to the Danish Geodata Agency, which approves and registers the changes in the Cadastre and informs the relevant authorities. 
    In conjunction with Denmark's surveyors and municipalities, the Danish Geodata Agency has developed a new cadastral updating and information system. This system will be launched in May, 2007 and will manage cadastral case processing and communication. This is the first step towards fully digital cadastral administration in Denmark.


You can read more about the objectives and activities of the respective divisions below