Cadastre and Property Registration

The Danish Geodata Agency maintains a trustworthy registration of all real property in the national Cadastre, all ownerships and administrators in the Property Ownership Register and all property location addresses in The Register of Property Locations. These registers and registrations which forms a reliable basis of the sale, mortgaging and taxing of real property in Denmark and of registration and administration conducted by public authorities.


  • Ensuring that the processes of property formation facilitate fast, correct registration of all real property in the Cadastre
  • Ensuring efficient and safe registration of cadastral changes, condominiums, ownerships and administrators as well as property location addresses.
  • Ensuring that the rules for registration of real property, ownerships, administrators and property location addresses meet the needs of society, including modern digital administration.


  • Processing and registration of cadastral changes and condominiums based on cases submitted by chartered surveyors, including case-related updating of items recorded in the Cadastre
  • Registration and updating of items (land-use restrictions under public law) in the Cadastre based on reports from the responsible authorities as well as in relation to registration of cadastral changes.
  • Responsibility for The Register of Property Owners and The Register of Property Locations.
  • Registration of Building on leased parcel in the Cadastre.
  • Development of cadastral systems that promote efficient processes and reliable registration
  • Management of interfaces for the parties involved in property formation
  • Improving the quality of information in the Cadastre, including the production of cadastral maps
  • Distribution of property and ownership information as basic data on The Data Distribution Platform (
  • Support for users of the Online Cadastral Records (‘Matrikulære Arkivalier Online’) and, in special cases, guidance and localisation of measurements
  • Support for users of programs and systems as Cadastral Information and Updating system (MIA), The Property Registration Portal (ERPO), including schema for land policy control (UKS) as well as The Register of Property Locations
  • Maintaining and interpreting the Subdivision Act and the Surveyor Act
  • Administration in compliance with the Surveyor Act, including granting of license to land surveyors.
  • Secretariat for the Board of Surveyors

Head of Office:
 Jess Svendsen 

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Property Registration and Law