The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is of the opinion that in areas where there is a complex routeing system, comprising several related routeing measures with special provisions and associated recommendations on navigation by vessels using the system, a special routeing guide giving information on aspects of the routeing measures could be useful for mariners.
Several routeing measures are established in the Baltic Sea and the coastal states have agreed on the establishment of a Mariners` Routeing Guide Baltic Sea.
The web version of the Mariners' Routeing Guide Baltic Sea is maintained by the Danish Hydrographic Office, housed within the Danish Geodata Agency.
The content of the web version is identical to the printed edition of chart 2911 (INT 1200) Mariners' Routeing Guide Baltic Sea, which is published by Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH).
The web version is routinely updated with corrections published by BSH in Nachrichten für Seefahrer (NfS).
Go to Mariners’ Routeing Guide Baltic Sea here